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Strengthscope™ Profiling and 360 reports

Strengthscope™ Profiling and 360 reports

As an Strengthscope™ accredited partner, Maria offers  Strengthscope™ profiling through self assessment questionnaires and 360 reviews as part of Executive Coaching services


ID-10046871Strengthscope™ is a revolutionary assessment tool that provides a comprehensive measurement of an individuals strengths and talents and the extent to which these are productively applied at work.

It is designed to help those completing it to identify their distinctive strengths. We define “strengths” as ways of thinking, feeling and expressing your emotions that lead to exceptional performance and energise or strengthen you.


Strengthscope™  profiling will help you to know your Strengths, what energizes you and guide you through a plan of action to maximize your potential for success in your personal and professional life. A must do to get a step ahead in your career.


Contact us to register for the Strengthscope™ questionnaire and to organize your assessment. You could choose  a Standard Strengthscope™’ or a Multi-rater Strengthscope™’s 360 degree which  enables up to 8 raters to provide feedback on your significant strengths.


After completion Maria will take you through the report results in a one to one feedback meeting. We hope that insights from this process will help unleash your strengths at work and in your personal life.

Email Maria for enquiries

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