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More information on Life Coaching services


What is Life Coaching ?


“the personal coach seeks to do for your life what a personal trainer does for your body.

Minneapolis-St. Paul Star-Tribune “

Life coaching servicesPeople come to Coaching because they want a positive change in their current situation.Coaching is about assessing where you are now in order to identify what actions are required to move forward to achieve what you really want. A few sessions with Maria can make a positive impact in your life.

Email Maria for enquiries

How can you benefit?

Are you stuck in a rut? Have you lost your confidence ? Do your dreams feel like a distant memory? Do you feel your life is passing by and these thoughts get you down? Do you live for work and have forgotten what it’s like to enjoy life? Do you want to be more relaxed socially? Are you facing bullies in your line of work? Do you feel your self-esteem is low? Do you want to progress your career to the next level ? Do you want to improve your work performance? Do you want to develop a deeper understanding  of yourself and  develop greater self-awareness ?Have you lost your focus ? Do you have clear goals but don’t seem to get into action and start doing what you want? These are some of the reasons people come  to coaching with Maria.

If you answered yes and any of  these statements sound familiar then  Maria  can help you.
Coaching with Maria can help you regain passion and enthusiasm for your life and motivate you to take action towards what you really want to do in a safe, non-judgemental, confidential and empowering environment.

How many sessions do I need to commit to?

When starting coaching for the first time we ask you to commit to a minimum of four sessions ( the Foundation module). It  is recommended to hold these 4 sessions within 3 months  to keep the ‘momentum going’.

Afterwards we can review how many sessions will be required and at what interval.

On average you work with a Coach over a three month period .It depends on how many areas of your life you want to develop or the number of goals you want to achieve as to the duration of the coaching relationship.

For Executive Coaching   clients could take between  12  and 16 sessions ( 3 or 4 modules)  depending  of the seniority of the role and its challenges.

Can I work on personal goals as well as professional goals ?

Yes, coaching looks at your whole life in a holistic way. Issues affecting your career will also impact on your personal life and vice versa.

During our first session I will ask what you value in life and in work. You will be asked to rate on a scale of one to ten how you feel about each of these and our next few sessions are based around making positive changes in these areas.

In order for you to achieve a balanced life we will look at your set of values, beliefs and purpose in life so you can make well informed decisions.


What do I need to bring to the sessions? Can I prepare in advance?

On the day just bring yourself and your diary to pencil down the next appointments and to account for any holidays. There is no need to prepare in advance just bring your enthusiasm, commitment and openness to the coaching process. Some clients wish to bring a notebook or ‘ personal journal’ to the sessions.

Are the sessions confidential?

Yes, all sessions are strictly confidential. A coaching agreement is signed between client and coach. No notes are taken by your coach during the sessions and the client owns all the forms and material used in each session.

What is the coaching agreement?

It is a standard form to be signed by coach and client to protect the client’s privacy and assure confidentiality. This form will be completed on the first session.

 Any other forms that I need to be aware of?

Yes, on the first session you will be asked to fill in your personal contact details in a personal information fact sheet. Also, in some cases, I will ask you to fill in an Individual Client Interview. It’s important for us to understand how you view the world in general and yourself in particular. These questions are designed to stimulate your thinking in a particular way that will make our work together even more productive.

How long sessions last?

Life Coaching  sessions last minimum 1 hour.

Executive Coaching sessions last minimum 1.5 hours.

Where do the sessions take place?

For Life Coaching  ,one-to-one office appointments are held in 21A Lea Road, Sandymount. Dublin 4. (By appointment only).

Or, alternatively, a different location could be agreed that suits both client and coach.

For Executive Coaching typically appointments are held in the client office during office hours.

What is the fee?

To provide the best fee for your personal circumstances or your organization  please   contact us or phone Maria 0872794346

Is there a cancellation policy?

24 hours cancellation is required for all clients. Please email,  phone or text your coach directly.

No shows count as a a session and will be paid in full. Thanks for respecting the cancellation terms.

Can I contact previous clients for references?

Yes. My clients have agreed to provide references and they are available upon request. You can also click Testimonials for more information.